Record the sum of multiple sources with h.Vector()

When Python is the interpreter, what is a good
design for the interface to the basic NEURON

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Record the sum of multiple sources with h.Vector()

Post by Grado »

I am trying to create a parallel model that takes advantage of the extracellular recording mechanisms in viewtopic.php?f=28&t=168.

This model does the integration in the run control of each timestep. From what I understand, this won't work in parallel simulations.

I am trying to instead use vectors. I am currently using the following method:
I create a vector for each segment of each section of each cell that records er_xtra, and then sum them all together at the end of the simulation. This works, but is obviously memory inefficient.

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 114│     def _set_rec_vectors(self):
 115│         self.rec_vectors = []
 116│         for cell in self.cells:
 117│             for sec in cell.all:
 118│                 if h.ismembrane('xtra'):
 119│                     for i in np.arange(sec.nseg+2)[1:-1]/float(sec.nseg+1):
 120│                         vec = h.Vector()
 121│                         vec.record(sec(i)._ref_er_xtra)
 122│                         self.rec_vectors.append(vec)
What I'm wondering is if theres a way to set a single vector to record the sum of multiple sources. Something like this:

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 124│     def _set_v_rec(self):
 125│         self.v_rec = h.Vector()
 126│         for cell in self.cells:
 127│             for sec in cell.all:
 128│                 if h.ismembrane('xtra'):
 129│                     for i in np.arange(sec.nseg+2)[1:-1]/float(sec.nseg+1):
 130│                             temp = h.Vector()
 131│                             temp.record(sec(i)._ref_er_xtra)
 132│                             self.v_rec += temp
This doesn't work. Is there a way to make this work? I've tried replacing line 132 with

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self.v_rec = self.v_rec.add(temp)
but that also doesn't work because the arrays are empty when they are initialized.
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Re: Record the sum of multiple sources with h.Vector()

Post by ted »

I am trying to create a parallel model that takes advantage of the extracellular recording mechanisms in viewtopic.php?f=28&t=168. . . . What I'm wondering is if theres a way to set a single vector to record the sum of multiple sources.
Not like you're trying to do it. You'll have to add up the transfer-resistance-weighted currents after each fadvance().

But first, note that a recent addition to NEURON has made calculation of membrane current much faster, and independent of the extracellular mechanism. Read the Programmer's Reference entry about the CVode class's use_fast_imem.

If you want to do that, first make these changes to xtra.mod:
1. In the COMMENT block at the top of the file, insert the statement
Now uses i_membrane_ (see CVode class's use_fast_imem documentation).
2. In the ASSIGNED block change
im (milliamp/cm2)
: im (milliamp/cm2)
im (nA)
and also change
area (micron2)
: area (micron2)
3. In the INITIAL and AFTER_SOLVE blocks change
er = (10)*rx*im*area
: er = (10)*rx*im*area
er = rx*im

Then be sure to delete any .dll, .o, or .c files in the directory that contains xtra.mod, and recompile the mod files.

You'll need to link each segment's i_membrane_ to xtra's im.

Finally, you need to calculate the extracellular potential at the point of interest after each fadvance(). If I were doing this entirely with hoc, I'd create a file called
that contains these statements

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// presumes that all sections of interest have been appended
// to a SectionList called rec_from_these
vx = 0
proc advance() {
  vx = 0
  forsec rec_from_these {
    for (x,0) vx += er_xtra(x)
and I'd execute
right after all model specification code and the statements that insert xtra and link xtra's im to i_membrane_ have been executed, but before the statements that set up Vector recording of the value of vx.

However, your list of sections of interest is a Python list and I'll have to think about how to have hoc iterate over those sections--or whether a different tactic is better.
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Re: Record the sum of multiple sources with h.Vector()

Post by hines »

A helpful element when a python def needs to be called every time step (and works with variable step methods as well as fixed step) is

Code: Select all

$ cat beforestep_py.mod
: Python callback from BEFORE STEP

  POINT_PROCESS beforestep_callback
  POINTER ptr     



extern int (*nrnpy_hoccommand_exec)(Object*);
extern Object** hoc_objgetarg(int);
extern int ifarg(int);
extern void hoc_obj_ref(Object*);
extern void hoc_obj_unref(Object*);

  :printf("beforestep_callback t=%g\n", t)
  Object* cb = (Object*)(_p_ptr);
  if (cb) {

PROCEDURE set_callback() {
  Object** pcb = (Object**)(&(_p_ptr));
  if (*pcb) {
    *pcb = (Object*)0;
  if (ifarg(1)) {
    *pcb = *(hoc_objgetarg(1));
A test is

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$ cat
from neuron import h

# Need a home for bscallback. Location is important for threads
# and local variable step method. Not important otherwise
s = h.Section()

bscallback = h.beforestep_callback(s(.5))

def callback():
  print h.t



Code: Select all

$ nrniv -python
NEURON -- VERSION 7.4 (1362:1e1480f0a0e3) 2015-10-02
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2015

loading membrane mechanisms from x86_64/.libs/
Additional mechanisms from files
 beforestep_py.mod cadynam.mod halfgapm1.mod ik1.mod ina.mod is.mod ix1.mod kcum.mod nacum.mod nipace.mod
if 'print h.t' does not work correctly in the above test, then your earlier version of NEURON may not have the fix which updates the intertpreter time from the thread 0 time during a simulation and you
should use
pc = h.ParallelContext()
print pc.t(0)

Another element that is very useful when the interpreter is called on to do a lot of work each time step is to use the PtrVector for gathering values into a Vector which (with numpy) you can
multiply by a weight matrix and then add to your extracellular recording trajectories. See ... ector.html

Re: Record the sum of multiple sources with h.Vector()

Post by Grado »

Thanks Michael. I was able to use beforestep_py.mod to record the extracellular potential. Just wondering, but are there any plans to implement some sort of custom advance definition in Python, analogous to defining "proc advance() { }"? Maybe just making beforestep_py native to nrnpython?

Ted, thanks for the heads up about the use_fast_imem, I am currently working on implementing it in my model.
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Re: Record the sum of multiple sources with h.Vector()

Post by hines »

are there any plans ...
My old, probably obsolete, rule of thumb, has been not to encourage a lot of interpreter activity during an fadvance due to performance reasons (interpreter is order(s) of magnitude slower than c/c++).
But user convenience often trumps that, and, in many situations (e.g. LFP calcualtions) the interpreter executes lengthy vector/matrix calculations that are done in c anyway so the interpreter overhead
is amortized to insignificance. There is now a gaggle of methods that callback into hoc/python during an fadvance. eg, cvode.event, netcon.event, nonvint_supervisor_block, cvode.extra_scatter_gather,
is a partial list. From a opportunistic point of view, it is reasonable to repurpose a POINT_PROCESS mod file to obtain callback functionality for all the BEFORE/AFTER keywords. If a model make use
of too many of these repurposed POINT_PROCESS instances, there is a considerable danger of losing clarity about their interactions.
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