why this netstim does not work ?

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why this netstim does not work ?

Post by stil »


I might have missed something about netstim / netcon. I am just trying to use netstim to control a series of events, as an input of a diffusion mechanism.
I started with this, but the events do not seem to occur :

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objref cvode // is CVODE required to be able to use NetStim ?
cvode = new CVode(1)

objref ach_stim
ACHINPUT ach_stim = new NetStim(0.5)
ach_stim.interval = 10 //ms (mean) time between spikes
ach_stim.number = 10 //(average) number of spikes
ach_stim.start  = 10 // ms (most likely) start time of first spike
ach_stim.noise = 0 //---- range 0 to 1. Fractional randomness. 0 deterministic, 1 intervals have negexp distribution.

objref syn
syn = new ExpSyn(0.5)
//syn.tau --- ms decay time constant
//syn.e -- mV reversal potential
//syn.i -- nA synaptic current

objref nc
nc = new NetCon(ach_stim, syn)
//nc.threshold = 0.0
//nc.delay = 0
//nc.weight = 3000
So, either I actually misunderstood something, or I have forgotten a little detail, or it's a bug...

Also, I read the netstim.mod file, but could not find THE variable to plot to check if the events occured, within the netstim object itself: is there a way to track and record the events ?

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Re: why this netstim does not work ?

Post by ted »

Good questions.
stil wrote:is CVODE required to be able to use NetStim ?

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ACHINPUT ach_stim = new NetStim(0.5)
This isn't an error, but I should mention that in recent versions of NEURON (6 and 7), NetStim does not need a "host section".

The events won't have any effect unless the NetCon's weight is nonzero.
I read the netstim.mod file, but could not find THE variable to plot to check if the events occured, within the netstim object itself: is there a way to track and record the events
You can record the event times to a Vector. Suppose you had a NetStim called ns. Then

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objref vec, netcon, nil
vec = new Vector()
netcon = new NetCon(ns, nil)
objref netcon
will set up recording of the event times to the vector "vec". After every run,
will print out the times at which ns generated an event.
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