2024 NEURON Summer Course description

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2024 NEURON Summer Course description

Post by ted »

Location and dates

The 2024 NEURON Summer Course will be held at Brown University in Providence, RI from Sunday, June 16, through Friday, June 21, 2024.

Application and registration

Space is limited, and applications will be considered in the order received. The deadline for application and payment of the $650 registration fee is Monday, June 3, 2024. No applications will be accepted after that date, and there will be no on-site registration.


The NEURON Summer Course provides a comprehensive introduction to the design and construction of models of individual neurons and networks of neurons. It includes:
  • Model specification with hoc, Python, and NEURON's GUI.
  • Importing Neurolucida and other morphometric data formats with the Import3D tool.
  • Adding new biophysical mechanisms with NMODL and the Channel Builder.
  • Multiscale modeling using RxD for reaction-diffusion.
  • Using the Model View tool to analyze and understand models created by yourself and others.
  • Integration methods.
    • accuracy, stability, and computational efficiency
    • fixed timestep vs. global and local adaptive integration--which method to use, and how to use it
  • Introduction to using parallel hardware to speed up simulations of cells and networks.
  • Customizing the GUI for simulation control and analysis of results.
  • Managing modeling projects.

The course faculty includes Ted Carnevale, Robert McDougal, and guest speakers TBA. All are leaders in the development and application of simulation tools for biologically realistic modeling, and have participated in courses and workshops on NEURON at annual meetings of the Society for Neuroscience and other venues. The NEURON Summer Course draws on their experience and is revised each year to address the evolving needs of users and new features of NEURON.


Each participant is expected to bring a wifi-capable laptop computer. This will allow everyone to work in a familiar hardware/software environment, be it MSWin, Linux, or macOS.

Travel and accommodations

Participants must make their own arrangements for transportation, accommodations, and meals. Dining facilities are available on campus and at nearby restaurants. There are many options for lodging near the campus, such as hotels, Airbnb etc..

How does this course differ from others that we offer?

The NEURON Summer Course is a multi-day, intensive experience that addresses a wide range of topics. It is the best choice for those who have already decided to use NEURON in their research. It combines interactive didactic presentations, supervised hands-on exercises that challenge participants to use what they are learning, and time for work on exercises and individual projects.

We also offer a one day course at Society for Neuroscience meetings which presents an "executive summary" of key features of NEURON, plus many practical tips for developing and using models. That course is particularly useful for PIs who are thinking about including computational modeling in their research and wondering what software to use. It is also a good choice for those who are eager to get started quickly and prefer not to wait for the summer course. However, the SFN course relies completely on didactic presentations and demonstrations, since time and cost constraints preclude hands-on activities.

Course announcement

Application form


Declaration of Administrative Efficiency

Questions? Contact Ted Carnevale (ted dot carnevale at yale dot edu) or phone 203 494 7381

Supported in part by National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and the Blue Brain Project.