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Different initial concentration and potential in different cells

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:32 am
by Barbara
Hi all,
I'm building a synapse model with a neuron and an astrocyte.
I would need to initialise the initial concentrations differently, however, not for the extracellular space.

I defined the ionic species as follow:

Code: Select all

rxd_na = rxd.Species([extracellular, cyt], name = 'na', charge = 1, d = 1)
rxd_k = rxd.Species([extracellular, cyt], name = 'k', charge = 1, d = 1)
rxd_ca = rxd.Species([extracellular, cyt], name = 'ca', charge = 2, d = 1)

na_a = rxd.Species([extracellular, cyt_astro], name='na_a', charge=1, d=1)
k_a = rxd.Species([extracellular, cyt_astro], name='k_a', charge=1, d=1)
ca_a = rxd.Species([extracellular, cyt_astro], name='ca_a', charge=2, d=1)
without the astrocyte, I would normally initialise the concentrations and the potential with:

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h.cao0_ca_ion = 1.8
h.nao0_na_ion = 145
h.ko0_k_ion = 3

h.cai0_ca_ion = 0.006
h.nai0_na_ion = 5
h.ki0_k_ion = 130

But now that I need the initial concentration in cyt and cyt_astro different I don't know how am I supposed to define those. I tried with the following for all the ions and sections but the code just ignore these commands and sets the default.

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rxd_ca[extracellular].initial = 1.8
Also, about the initialization of the voltage, how should I do it?

Thanks in advance for any help! :)

Re: Different initial concentration and potential in different cells

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:22 pm
by ted
h.cai0_ca_ion = 0.006 ?
6e-3 mM suggests a dead or dying cell. 0.1e-4 or 0.05e-4 would be more appropriate.

Are you sure that your concentrations are consistent with the ionic reversal potentials your model assumes/needs?

Models that involve ion accumulation, especially if diffusion and/or active transport are included, can be difficult to initialize. Unless parameters are carefully contrived to ensure that the model is in its steady state from time t==0, it may take many hundreds of ms for concentrations and reversal potentials to settle down.

Re: Different initial concentration and potential in different cells

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 3:08 pm
by adamjhn
I would define a species once for all the regions and then set the initial concentration using a function of the rxd.node. As you have several species, I would define a function for initialization, that checks the node attributes to determine which initial value to use.

Also, I agree with Ted, 6e-3 mM seems high, to avoid confusion you can import particular units from neuron.units. For example, to set extracellular calcium to 1.8mM with 60nM in neurons and 85nM in astrocytes, modify your species definition as follows;

Code: Select all

from neuron.units import mM, nM

def initcon(nd, extracellular, neuronal, astrocyte):
    return (neuronal if nd.region == cyt else astrocyte) if hasattr(nd,'sec') else extracellular

rxd_ca = rxd.Species([extracellular, cyt, cyt_astro], name='ca', charge=2, d=1,
                     initial=lambda nd: initcon(nd, 1.8 * mM, 60 * nM, 85 * nM))