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Creating asymmetry in a model

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:56 am
by Kim Ha

Thanks for your help in automating the process. Now I am stuck at created asymmetry in my model.

I have tried to reproduce " Neurokinematic modeling of complex swimming patterns of the larval zebrafish" from Scott A. Hill

I could did it pretty well. Just for information I used NetStim (Artificial cell) as a trigger from the brain and connected to right cell and left cell and changed the delay time from 1 to 7 and for other cells I gave 1 as a delay time.

Problem is I am not able give different turning angle to fish . I am not able to figure out what parameter I should change to create asymmetry in spike train in order to make the fish turn. And when the change the parameter , how would I get the asymmetry removed.


Re: Creating asymmetry in a model

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:57 am
by ted
Kim Ha wrote:" Neurokinematic modeling of complex swimming patterns of the larval zebrafish" from Scott A. Hill
I'm not familiar with that model.

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I am not able to figure out what parameter I should change to create asymmetry in spike train in order to make the fish turn. And when the change the parameter , how would I get the asymmetry removed.
I don't know anything about your model either, so everything I write is only a guess. I assume that there are motor neurons that drive muscles on the right or left hand side of the body, and if they fire at similar rates the animal swims in a more or less straight line. Turning requires the balance between the right and left hand side firing rates to change, so either inhibit or excite one side, or pair inhibition of one side with excitation of the other. You may need a new set of neurons to generate the presynaptic activity that drives the inhibition of one side and excitation of the other side.