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Questions on extracellular stimulation and recording

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 9:01 am
by luckychild
Hello everyone!
I am a new hand and doing some research work on extracellular recording with extracellular stimulation by NEURON, and have four questions as below
1. How to simulate bi-polar extracellular voltage stimulation with GUI.
2. How to simulate bi-polar extracellular voltage recording with GUI.
3. How to output transmembrane voltage and current in a given point with GUI.
4. How to output numerical results from NEURON.
Thank you very much.

Re: Questions on extracellular stimulation and recording

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:02 pm
by ted
luckychild wrote:1. How to simulate bi-polar extracellular voltage stimulation with GUI.
2. How to simulate bi-polar extracellular voltage recording with GUI.
Suggest you start by examining
Extracellular stimulation and recording
in the Hot tips area of the NEURON Forum.
3. How to output transmembrane voltage and current in a given point with GUI.
The GUI is "easy" to use because it doesn't require you to write any code, but it is "difficult" because it's like any other user interface--you have to learn how to use it. Suggest you start by working through the example
Construction and Use of Models: Part 1. Elementary Tools
(see link on the Documentation page of NEURON's web site After you do that, the following instructions may make sense:
to set up a graph that plots membrane potential or a membrane current at some location
1. click on NEURONMainMenu/Graph/Shape plot
2. use the Shape plot's "Plot what" menu item to specify the variable that you want to plot (to learn about "Plot what" see the item
How do I plot something other than membrane potential?
in the FAQ list
3. in the Shape plot click on the model cell at the location of interest (expand the Shape plot and/or zoom in if necessary). That will bring up a graph that, when you run a simulation, will plot the variable you specified.
4. How to output numerical results from NEURON.
Best way is to record them to a Vector, then write the Vector to a file after the end of a simulation. The Vector class's record method is described in the Programmer's Reference, and the Forum has many discussion threads that include examples of using Vector record and writing Vectors to files.

Re: Questions on extracellular stimulation and recording

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:31 pm
by luckychild
Thanks again.