The model consists of k cells (motor neurons), each with one soma and four dendrites. I also want to play vectors into each of the dendrites of the cell. However, the cell I create is composed of h.SectionList() and not a neuron cell() object. As a result I am not able to use the cell().connect2target() function and I create NetCon objects separately to link with the GIDs I assign to each of the sections.
When I run simulation by using parallelcontext.psolve() I encounter the following error:
Code: Select all
~/nrn/src/coreneuron/io/phase1.cpp:108: Assertion 'neg_gid2out[].find(gid) == neg_gid2out[].end()' failed.
These errors do not show up when I use a while loop to run simulation with h.fadvance() and integrate the simulation step by step. However, when I use psolve() then I get the aforementioned error.
Here is a minimal script to reproduce the error I am encountering and model initialization
Code: Select all
from neuron import h
import settings
from neuron import coreneuron
from neuron.units import mV
import numpy as np
pc = h.ParallelContext()
def spike_record(): # from ringtest repo
global tvec, idvec
tvec = h.Vector(1000000)
idvec = h.Vector(1000000)
pc.spike_record(-1, tvec, idvec)
def spikeout(): # from ringtest repo
global tvec, idvec
rank = int(
nhost = int(pc.nhost())
return tvec, idvec
class MNPool(object): # based on ringtest repo
counter = 0
def __init__(self, ncell, gidstart = 1, nsoma = 1, ndend = 4):
self.gids = []
self.delay = 1
self.ncell = int(ncell)
self.gidstart = gidstart
self.mkcells(self.ncell, nsoma = 1, ndend = 4)
MNPool.counter += 1
def mkcells(self, ncell, nsoma = 1, ndend = 4): # creates ncell motor neuron with 4 dendrites
self.all_MNs = []
ctr = 0
for i in range(self.gidstart, (ncell*(nsoma+ndend)) + self.gidstart,nsoma+ndend): # creates single MN
self.gids.append([i+x for x in range(nsoma+ndend)])
soma = h.Section(name='soma') # Define soma section
d1 = h.Section(name='d1') # Define dend section
d2 = h.Section(name='d2') # Define dend section
d3 = h.Section(name='d3') # Define dend section
d4 = h.Section(name='d4') # Define dend section
dend = h.SectionList()
# Connect dendrites to soma
d1.connect(soma(1), 0)
d2.connect(soma(1), 0)
d3.connect(soma(0), 0)
d4.connect(soma(0), 0)
MN_parts = {'soma':[soma],
for part in self.all_MNs[ctr].keys():
if part == 'dend':
for section in self.all_MNs[ctr][part]:
section.insert('Gfluctdv') # inserts the mechanism on all 4 dendrites
# This is based on ringtest repo
cell_ctr = 0
for part in MN_parts.keys(): # loop over both soma and dend dict
for section in MN_parts[part]: # from each dict loop over the sections
settings.pc.set_gid2node(i+cell_ctr, settings.rank) # Assign GID for that section
nc = h.NetCon(section(0.5)._ref_v, None, sec = section) # Since the MN is not a cell objcet init a NetCon
settings.pc.cell(i+cell_ctr, nc, 0) # link netcon and GID
print("MN: ",ctr, # print statement to determine GIDs assigned to each MN and section
", section: ", section,
", GID for section: ", i+cell_ctr,
", pc.gid_exists(): ", settings.pc.gid_exists(i+cell_ctr), # expected to return 2 (assigned GID but not communicating spikes)
", pc.gid2obj(): ", settings.pc.gid2obj(i+cell_ctr) # expected to return the section or something similar but returns None
def main():
num_MN = 2
MN_model = MNPool(num_MN,nsoma=1, ndend= 4) # init model
spike_record() # init spike recording
playvect_dict = {
"rn_vec" : [],
sim_duration = 30000
excitatory_time = np.arange(0, sim_duration, 1)
target_time = h.Vector(excitatory_time)
noise_vect_w = np.random.normal(0,1,(len(MN_model.all_MNs),len(target_time))) # noise vector for the mechanism
for ctr, MN in enumerate(MN_model.all_MNs):
for num_dend, sec in enumerate(MN["dend"]):
for seg in sec:
rn_vec = h.Vector(noise_vect_w[ctr,:]),target_time) # play noise vector into each of the MN mechanisms
coreneuron.enable = True
coreneuron.gpu = True
h.dt = 0.025 # unit: ms
h.finitialize(-70 * mV)
pc.psolve() raises the following error
int nrnthread_dat2_vecplay(int, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int>> &): Assertion `0' failed.
while h.t < float(sim_duration):
if round(h.t, 2) % 10000.00 == 0.00:
print(f'simulation time: {h.t:.1f}', 'ms',)
h.fadvance() works without error
tvec, idvec = spikeout()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Code: Select all
MN: 0 , section: soma , GID for section: 1 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 0 , section: d1 , GID for section: 2 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 0 , section: d2 , GID for section: 3 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 0 , section: d3 , GID for section: 4 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 0 , section: d4 , GID for section: 5 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 1 , section: soma , GID for section: 6 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 1 , section: d1 , GID for section: 7 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 1 , section: d2 , GID for section: 8 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 1 , section: d3 , GID for section: 9 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
MN: 1 , section: d4 , GID for section: 10 , pc.gid_exists(): 2 , pc.gid2obj(): None
Thank you!