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How to get total receptor current

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 4:58 am
by ipv1313
Hey all,

I am a complete beginner, trying to implement a 2 cell network. I have implemented 1000 nAChR on the cell's soma in the postsynaptic cell. How can I get the total current of the soma?

Code: Select all

objectvar rec1[1000]
for r = 0, 999{
  rec1[r] = new nAChR()
  dopa.soma rec1[r].loc(0.5)
  setpointer rec1[r].C, chol.axon[3].T_rel
  r  = r + 1
Sorry for asking a stupid question.

Re: How to get total receptor current

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 12:02 pm
by ted
It's not a stupid question. It is directly related to one of the most common questions in computer programming: what is the name of some important variable?
I have implemented 1000 nAChR
You may know what you mean by "nAChR" but nobody else does. To say "I have a model of X" says absolutely nothing, because the actual contents of any model depend entirely on the judgment of the model's developer about what is and what isn't relevant to that person's particular interests. At the very least say where you got the file that implements "nAChR", or cite a paper that presents the equations that describe the properties of "nAChR". So where did you get it, or where is the paper that describes it?
How can I get the total current of the soma?
Do you really want to know the total transmembrane current of the soma? Or do you want the total current generated by all those instances of "nAChR"? If you want the latter, the answer will depend on the following:
1. the implementational details of nAChR. That means I'll need to see the NMODL source code that implements it. Don't post it in the Forum, just email it to
ted dot carnevale at yale dot edu
2. do you want it at just one instant in time, or do you want to know how it varies over the course of a simulation?