calling a function from NMODL

NMODL and the Channel Builder.
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calling a function from NMODL

Post by Nooshin »

Hi Ted,
I have a question about functions built into NMODL.
I am trying to incorporate channel noise in the Hodgkin-Huxley equations. At each time step, I need to use the singular value decomposition (svd) function. It seems that svd function is not built into NMODL. I am wondering if and how I can use python interfaced with .mod file, so that at each time step svd will be performed in python and the result will be sent to .mod files.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by ramcdougal »

It would be cleaner to have the Python function run at every timestep using a CVode.extra_scatter_gather and then just transfer values to NMODL (using pointers or directly; both should work.)

You could probably get the call from NMODL to work, but that would require a VERBATIM block.
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by hines »

I think that CVode.extra_scatter_gather is fine (in the after scatter direction) for your purpose because, since you are dealing with channel noise, you are most likely using only the fixed step method. In general we need to introduce something like Cvode.before_step(python_callback)
which, for variable step as well as fixed step methods, would guarantee only one call to the callback per time step.

The latter would be equivalent to the following mod file that I use to do a per time step callback for LFP calculations.

Code: Select all

$ cat beforestep_py.mod
: Python callback from BEFORE STEP

  POINT_PROCESS beforestep_callback
  POINTER ptr     



extern int (*nrnpy_hoccommand_exec)(Object*);
extern Object** hoc_objgetarg(int);
extern int ifarg(int);
extern void hoc_obj_ref(Object*);
extern void hoc_obj_unref(Object*);

  :printf("beforestep_callback t=%g\n", t)
  Object* cb = (Object*)(_p_ptr);
  if (cb) {

PROCEDURE set_callback() {
  Object** pcb = (Object**)(&(_p_ptr));
  if (*pcb) {
    *pcb = (Object*)0;
  if (ifarg(1)) {
    *pcb = *(hoc_objgetarg(1));
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by hines »

Forgot to show the usage of the mod file... Note that the callback happens at the end of finitialize and at the beginning of a step.

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nrnivmodl beforestep_py.mod

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$ cat
from neuron import h

#enough model for the point process to have a home
s = h.Section()
# and for something interesting to happen (an hh action potential)
s.L = 10   
s.diam = 10   
ic = h.IClamp(s(.5))
ic.delay = 0.1
ic.dur = 1.0
ic.amp = 0.5

def callback():
  print("callback t=%g"%h.t)

pycb = h.beforestep_callback(s(.5))


Code: Select all

$ python
callback t=0
callback t=0
callback t=0.025
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by Nooshin »

Hi all,
Thank you very much for your responses. I am using the fixed step method.
The code below is my potassium channel mod file. z1 is the noise and it is POINTER variable. At each time step, I want to have Python calculate z1 using alphan, betan, and n.

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	RANGE gk, gbar, ik, ninf, taun
        RANGE alphan, betan

        POINTER z1

	(mV) = (millivolt)
	(mA) = (milliamp)
	(nA) = (nanoamp)
	(pA) = (picoamp)
	(S)  = (siemens)
	(nS) = (nanosiemens)
	(pS) = (picosiemens)
	(um) = (micron)
	(molar) = (1/liter)
	(mM) = (millimolar)		

	q10 = 3

	ca = 0.10 (1/ms) : 0.12889 as original
	cva = 50 (mV)
	cka = -33.90877 (mV)

	cb = 0.12889 (1/ms)
        cvb = 50 (mV)
	ckb = 7.42101 (mV)         

	v (mV)
	celsius (degC)
	gbar = 0.011 (mho/cm2)   <0,1e9>

 	ik (mA/cm2) 
	ek (mV)
	gk  (mho/cm2)
	taun (ms)
	alphan (1/ms)
	betan (1/ms)



STATE { n }

	qt = q10^((celsius-22 (degC))/10 (degC))
	n = ninf

	SOLVE states METHOD cnexp
        gk = gbar * (n^4 + z1)
	ik = gk * (v - ek)

	n' = (ninf-n)/taun 

PROCEDURE rates(v (mV)) {
	alphan = alphanfkt(v)
	betan = betanfkt(v)
	ninf = alphan/(alphan+betan) 
	taun = 1/(qt*(alphan + betan))       

FUNCTION alphanfkt(v (mV)) (1/ms) {
	alphanfkt = ca * exp(-(v+cva)/cka) 

FUNCTION betanfkt(v (mV)) (1/ms) {
	betanfkt = cb * exp(-(v+cvb)/ckb)
The following is my python code. The “findnoiseterm” function calculates the noise. I used h.CVode().extra_scatter_gather so that at every time step the “findnoiseterm” function is run. But I have a question about setting the POINTER variable (z1) to the output of “findnoiseterm” function. I used:
h.setpointer(_ref_hocvar, 'POINTER_name', nrn.Mechanism_object)
But I do not know what I need to write for _ref_hocvar. Since the reference is the output of the “findnoiseterm” function not a hoc variable.

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from __future__ import division
from numpy import *
from pylab import *
from scipy import linalg

from neuron import h, gui

KHat = zeros((5))   # Initial values set to 0

# Computing matrix square roots with SVD
def mysqrtm(D):
    u,s,v = linalg.svd(D)
    S = u*sqrt(s)*v
    return S

def DK(alphan, betan, X): 
    return 1/20 * array(( (4*alphan*X[0] + betan*X[1],-(4*alphan*X[0] + betan*X[1]) , 0, 0, 0),
    (-(4*alphan*X[0]+betan*X[1]),(4*alphan*X[1]+(3*alphan+ betan)*X[1] + 2*betan*X[2]), -(2*betan*X[2] + 3*alphan*X[1]), 0,0),
    (0, -(2*betan*X[2]+3*alphan*X[1]), (3*alphan*X[1]+(2*alphan+2*betan)*X[2]+3*betan*X[3]),-(3*betan*X[3]+2*alphan*X[2]), 0),
    (0, 0, -(3*betan*X[3]+2*alphan*X[2]), (2*alphan*X[2]+(alphan+3*betan)*X[3]+4*betan*X[4]),-(4*betan*X[4]+alphan*X[3])),
    (0, 0, 0, -(4*betan*X[4]+alphan*X[3]), (alphan*X[3]+4*betan*X[4]) ) ))

def findnoiseterm(alphan, betan, n):
    global KHat
    KNoise = randn(5,1)
    AK = array(( (-4*alphan, betan, 0, 0, 0),
        (4*alphan, -3*alphan-betan, 0, 0, 0),
        (0, 3*alphan, -2*alphan-2*betan, 3*betan, 0),
        (0, 0, 2*alphan, -alphan-3*betan, 4*betan),
        (0, 0, 0, alphan, -4*betan) ))
    SK = lambda alphan, betan ,X: mysqrtm(DK(alphan, betan ,X))
    KBar = array(((1-n)**4, 4*n*(1-n)**3, 6*n**2*(1-n)**2, 4*n**3*(1-n), n**4))
    KHat += dt*dot(AK,KHat)  + sqrt(dt)*dot(SK(alphan, betan ,KBar),KNoise[:,1])

    noiseterm = KHat[-1]
    return noiseterm

for sec in h.allsec():
    if h.ismembrane('Kv1',sec = sec):
        for seg in sec:
            recording_callback = (findnoiseterm , (seg.alphan_Kv1 , seg.betan_Kv1, seg.n_Kv1 ))
            h.CVode().extra_scatter_gather(1, recording_callback)
            h.setpointer(???, 'z1', sec().Kv1)
Thank you for your help.
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by hines »

My opinion is that findnoiseterm should not be the callback but instead the callback should be a wrapper python function that for every instance of
Kv1, the wrapper would call findnoiseterm and assign the return value into z1_Kv1 (which should be a regular RANGE variable instead of a POINTER.)

If the iteration over all z1_Kv1 instances has performance issues, ... ector.html can help.
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by Nooshin »

Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. I tried to implement what you suggested, and it works. In the following code the callback is a wrapper python function and at each time step, z1 is calculated and transferred to the .mod file.
The only problem is that at each time step I want my python code to use the updated alphan, betan, and n for z1 calculation. I thought that

recording_callback = (wrapper, (seg.alphan_Kv1 , seg.betan_Kv1, seg.n_Kv1 , 0 ))
h.CVode().extra_scatter_gather(0, recording_callback)

would update alphan, betan and n per time step. But it seems like it does not. I am wondering how the updated alphan, betan and n from the mod file can be transferred to the python code per time step.
Thanks again.

Code: Select all

from neuron import h, gui
KHat = zeros((5,5))     # Initial values set to 0

def findnoiseterm(func):
    def inner(alphan,betan,n,noise):
        global KHat 
        KNoise = randn(5,5)  
        AK = array(( (-4*alphan, betan, 0, 0, 0),
            (4*alphan, -3*alphan, 0, 0, 0),
            (0, 3*alphan, -2*alphan, 3*betan, 0),
            (0, 0, 2*alphan, -alphan-3*betan, 4*betan),
            (0, 0, 0, alphan, -4*betan) ))
        X = array(((1-n)**4, 4*n*(1-n)**3, 6*n**2*(1-n)**2, 4*n**3*(1-n), n**4))
        DK= 1/20 * array(( (4*alphan*X[0] + betan*X[1],-(4*alphan*X[0]) , 0, 0, 0),
           (-(4*alphan*X[0]+betan*X[1]),(4*alphan*X[1]+(3*alphan+ betan)*X[1]), -(2*betan*X[2] + 3*alphan*X[1]), 0,0),
           (0, -(2*betan*X[2]), (3*alphan*X[1]+(2*alphan)*X[2]+3*betan*X[3]),-(3*betan*X[3]), 0),
           (0, 0, -(3*betan*X[3]), (2*alphan*X[2]+(3*betan)*X[3]+4*betan*X[4]),-(4*betan*X[4])),
           (0, 0, 0, -(4*betan*X[4]), (alphan*X[3]) ) ))
        u,s,v = linalg.svd(DK)
        SK = u*sqrt(s)*v
        KHat += h.dt*dot(AK,KHat)  + sqrt(h.dt)*dot(SK,KNoise[:,:])
        noise = KHat[4,4]
        return noise, func(alphan,betan,n, noise)
    return inner

def wrapper(alphan,betan,n, noise):

for sec in h.allsec():
    if h.ismembrane('Kv1',sec = sec):
        for seg in sec:
            recording_callback = (wrapper, (seg.alphan_Kv1 , seg.betan_Kv1, seg.n_Kv1 , 0 ))     
            h.CVode().extra_scatter_gather(0, recording_callback)
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by hines »

I see you have a

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def wrapper(alphan, betan, n, noise)
but in your

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recording_callback = (wrapper, (seg.alphan_Kv1 , seg.betan_Kv1, seg.n_Kv1 , 0 ))
the arguments to wrapper are just constant values computed at the time the recording_callback assignment statement is executed.
In your mod file, alpahn and betan are RANGE varialbles that are updated when rates(v) is called and those rates depend on the value of v and all the mentioned parameters in alphanfkt and betanfkt functions. Those are updated every time step, so just access their values directly when wrapper is called and calculate the noise .
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by Nooshin »

Thanks a lot. Appreciate it.
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by Nooshin »

My code works well for single compartment model. But for a multicompartment model in which more than a section includes Kv1 mechanism, it only calculates noise (i.e. z1) for the last segment of the last compartment. I have

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for sec in h.allsec():
    if h.ismembrane('Kv1',sec = sec):
        for seg in sec.allseg():
            recording_callback = (wrapper, ( 0 ))     
            h.CVode().extra_scatter_gather(0, recording_callback)
but it does not calculate the noise for each segment of each section that includes the Kv1 mechanism.
I appreciate any help in this regard.
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Re: calling a function from NMODL

Post by hines »

I hope you are doing a sanity check when you have problems by printing some details. e.g

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  print(, seg.x, seg.v, seg.Kv1.alphan)
Anyway, one problem I see is that

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for seg in sec.allseg():
includes in the iteration sec(0) and sec(1) which are zero area nodes and do not contain Kv1. The line should read

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for seg in sec:
But the fundamental problem (assuming I understand the context which you did not explicitly provide) is that you registered the callback many times
without specifying the segment the callback is supposed to handle. (Did that actually get called many times or just once per time step?). Anyway
I would have expected you to register the callback once, and in the def wrapper, do the iteration over the segments that contain Kv1.
If you have a lot of sections,only some of which contain Kv1, you can make a list of those sections, or segments, or Kv1 instances and pass it as an arg
to wrapper (or just make it a global).

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list_of_Kv1_instances = [ seg.Kv1 for sec in h.allsec() if h.ismembrane("Kv1", sec=sec) for seg in sec]
recording_callback = (wrapper, list_of_kv1_instances) # I think one arg does not need to be a tuple but I did not try it.
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