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Cvode problem with a rate-limited SEClamp point process

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 3:31 am
by MBeining
I tried to make a "more realistic" SEClamp, by adding a rate in which the voltage is measured and the current updated (normally something like 20 kHz). See this code (actually only some addition in procedure icur was necessary) :

Code: Select all

	RANGE dur1, amp1, dur2, amp2, dur3, amp3, rs, vc, i, rate

	(nA) = (nanoamp)
	(mV) = (millivolt)
	(uS) = (microsiemens)
	(kHz) = (/ms)

	rs = 1 (megohm) <1e-9, 1e9>
	dur1 (ms) 	  amp1 (mV)
	dur2 (ms) <0,1e9> amp2 (mV)
	dur3 (ms) <0,1e9> amp3 (mV)
	rate = 20 (kHz)

	v (mV)	: automatically v + vext when extracellular is present
	i (nA)
	vc (mV)
	tc2 (ms)
	tc3 (ms)
	tlast (ms)

	tc2 = dur1 + dur2
	tc3 = tc2 + dur3
	on = 0
	tlast = t

	SOLVE icur METHOD after_cvode

PROCEDURE icur() {
	if (on) {
		if ((t - tlast) >= 1 / rate) {   : this is new
			i = (vc - v)/rs
			tlast = t     : this is new
		i = 0

The SOLVE of icur() in the BREAKPOINT block is necessary to compute
i=(vc - v(t))/rs instead of i=(vc - v(t-dt))/rs
This is important for time varying vc because the actual i used in
the implicit method is equivalent to (vc - v(t)/rs due to the
calculation of di/dv from the BREAKPOINT block.
The reason this works is because the SOLVE statement in the BREAKPOINT block
is executed after the membrane potential is advanced.

It is a shame that vstim has to be called twice but putting the call
in a SOLVE block would cause playing a Vector into vc to be off by one
time step.

PROCEDURE vstim() {
	on = 1
	if (dur1) {at_time(dur1)}
	if (dur2) {at_time(tc2)}
	if (dur3) {at_time(tc3)}
	if (t < dur1) {
		vc = amp1
	}else if (t < tc2) {
		vc = amp2
	}else if (t < tc3) {
		vc = amp3
	}else {
		vc = 0
		on = 0

However, when I use cvode in my model and I use a play vector to command the actual amp for SEClamp, during some (not all) voltage steps with SEClamp, Neuron gives an error like
"CVode... At t = /shortly after actual vc-change/ and h = /some value/ the error test failed repeatedly or with |h| = hmin."
I guess an "at_time()" command is missing somewhere but I do not understand exactly at which time point cvode calculates what, so I do not know where to put that.
Thank you for helping!

Re: Cvode problem with a rate-limited SEClamp point process

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 5:19 pm
by ted
at_time is ill-suited to your purposes, as you have just found out. What you want to achieve is best done with an event-driven state machine implemented in a NET_RECEIVE block. That said, discontinuous single electrode voltage clamp is technically complex (pages 48 et seq. in The Axon Guide presents a particularly clear discussion), and most of those complexities have to be included in any model dSEVC implementation if it is going to properly reflect the inherent instrumentation artifacts. This stands in contrast to the ease of representing the primary source of artifacts in continuous single electrode voltage clamp, where a simple series resistance is adequate.

Re: Cvode problem with a rate-limited SEClamp point process

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 8:13 am
by MBeining
Thank you Ted. I somehow fixed it, however the simulation becomes ultra slow because of low time step. Guess I should not worry that much about those electrode ;-)