can I change nseg when the model is running?

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can I change nseg when the model is running?

Post by xyang »

we have a neuron model, want to inject current in dendritic sites. And current injection is confined to 50microm long dendrite piece. So we want the current injection site to be one nseg.
Since the current injectiong site is changing, is it possiblel to change the nseg while model is running?

One more question is: is it possible to set uneven nseg in a same diameter dendrites? like a 4micrometer diameter, 200 micrometer long dendrite, we want the first 50microm to be one nseg, but the rest of the 150microm long dendrite to be 30 nseg, is it a way to do this?

Thanks a lot for the help!
Posts: 220
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:09 pm
Location: Groningen, The Netherlands

Post by Raj »

It is unclear to me what you want to do. A possible answer will be based on what you want to do. Do you want to model a patch pipette you attach at different locations to the dendrite? Do you want to model localized puffing of a neuromodulator on the dendritic tree?

Can you take a step back and rephrase your question?

we were trying to activate 50microm long dendritic piece

Post by xyang »

We are doing uncaging calcium, which is confined to a 50microm long dendrites. Since the calcium were increased within that range at the same time, dendrite within 50microm range will be activated by calcium. So if we could make that 50microm long dendrite piece as one nseg, that would be great!
Represent the dendrite with two sections and connect them end to end.
Let one piece be 50 um long, and let the other one have the rest of the length.
Posts: 220
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2005 1:09 pm
Location: Groningen, The Netherlands

Post by Raj »

nseg was made to partition the spatial dimensions in to smaller chunks that give you the right numerical accuracy. Instead of trying to make a non-uniform distribution of segments over a section, you can make non-uniform current distribution over your segments.

First determine which segments fall into your 50 microm activated region. Then create a current source (e.g. IClamp) for every segment and attach it to the segments center. Now adjust the current, the duration etc for every segment and introduce more current sources for the other stimuli and you should be in business.

Doing it this way also allows you, with some bookkeeping, to use a Gaussian distribution instead of a uniform distribution.
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