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Can't access point process manager sometimes

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 4:24 pm
by rajender_2801
Hi...I am totally a beginner to neuron. Sometimes when I try to use PointProcessManager under TOOLS, sometimes it displays msg as "No accessed Section. Cant start a point process manager". I dont understand why. hope someone can help me out

Re: Can't access point process manager sometimes

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 11:45 am
by ted
Some of NEURON's GUI tools require that a default section exist before they are created. The PPM is one such tool. If you are writing hoc code, make sure that it creates at least one section and contains one "access" statement _before_ you try to use the PPM. For more information about the concept "currently accessed section" and documentation of "access" see ... cspec.html