Balancing Ionic Concentration in ECF (and ICF) with two interacting cells

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Balancing Ionic Concentration in ECF (and ICF) with two interacting cells

Post by Darshan »


I am trying to achieve resting ionic concentration balance in the extracellular and the intracellular environment where 2 cells are closely apposed to each other. The changes in concentration also results in unstable RMP of the cells. The pas mechanism current which was inserted to make the resting Vm stable was made ion specific as non specific current will also be carried by some ionic species.

The solution which I can think of right now is to change the channel conductances such that the Vm and concentrations in the ECF and ICF are balanced. Any other suggestions to solve this as this is proving to be a very tedious process?

Addendum question: The IClamp and the VClamp (or SEClamp) current used to stimulate these cells are NONSPECIFIC_CURRENTs. The depolarization/hyperpolarization caused by such stimulation will arise as a result of ions flowing through the membrane mechanisms even though the stimulus itself is from an external source. The source currents do not have to be converted into ionic currents. Is this explanation correct?

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Re: Balancing Ionic Concentration in ECF (and ICF) with two interacting cells

Post by ted »

In the absence of any details about your conceptual model or its implementation of computational form, it is difficult to provide any specific advice.
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