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Welcome to the NetPyNE Forum!

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 10:50 pm
by salvadord
Welcome to the NetPyNE Forum! NetPyNE (Network development Python package for NEURON) is a python package to facilitate the development, parallel simulation and analysis of biological neuronal networks using the NEURON simulator. This forum area is your place to receive support about the NetPyNE tool ( Feel free to ask questions, report bugs, or offer suggestions and show how you use NetPyNE in this forum. You may also log any bugs or enhancement requests at the Github NetPyNE repository:

Useful Links:
NetPyNE Overview:
NetPyNE Webpage+Documentation:
NetPyNE Tutorial:
NetPyNE Download/Install:
NetPyNE Github repository: (example models in /examples folder)
NetPyNE posters: and

Longer description of NetPyNE:
NetPyNE is a Python package to facilitate the development of biological neuronal networks in the NEURON simulator, with an emphasis on the incorporation of multiscale anatomical and physiological data. NetPyNE seamlessly converts a set of a standardized high-level specifications in a declarative format (json-like) into a NEURON model. These specification can be used to define populations, cells properties (can be imported from hoc or python), and complex connectivity and stimulation patterns. NetPyNE makes it easy to run parallel simulations by managing the burdensome task of distributing the workload and gathering data across computing nodes. It also provides a powerful set of analysis methods so the user can plot spike raster plots, LFP power spectra, information transfer measures, connectivity matrices, or intrinsic time-varying variables (eg. voltage) of any subset of cells. To facilitate data sharing, the package saves and loads the specifications, network, and simulation results using common file formats (Pickle, Matlab, JSON or HDF5), and can convert to and from NeuroML, a standard data format for exchanging models in computational neuroscience.

NetPyNE is currently being developed and supported by the Neurosim lab (

- Salvador Dura-Bernal (