Syntax error when attempting to view section parameters

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Syntax error when attempting to view section parameters

Post by sean.powell »

Good afternoon,
I am relatively new to the world of NEURON - I apologize in advance if this has already been answered somewhere else. While attempting to view parameters from the Shape Name window, I am instead given a syntax error reading the following.

near line 2

Any attempts to view other sections' parameters afterwards are greeted with a different error message stating that the previous parameters window has not been closed, although due to the first error there was no window loaded to close out of.
On a side note, I'm certain that there is an easier way to write the code out than the way I did above.

Any help with this would be very much appreciated!
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Re: Syntax error when attempting to view section parameters

Post by ted »

I can't say that I have ever seen that message. What version of NEURON are you using? Also, is the model your working with from ModelDB? If not, could you please zip up the necessary source code and email it to me
ted dot carnevale at yale dot edu
so I can reproduce the problem?

Re: Syntax error when attempting to view section parameters

Post by sean.powell »

I am using NEURON version 7.4
I have not checked to see if it's compatible with ModelDB, it is a model originally created by Dr. Villis Cutsuridis that I have modified minimally. Is that kind of thing still acceptable to submit to ModelDB?

Your response is appreciated!
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Re: Syntax error when attempting to view section parameters

Post by ted »

The point of my question was this: In order to answer your original question, I must be able to reproduce the error message that you saw. And to reproduce the error message, I will need to use the code that caused it. So if you want my answer to your question, you'll have to email me the code or point me to where I can pick it up.
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