.. _secbrows: SectionBrowser -------------- .. class:: SectionBrowser Syntax: ``sb = new SectionBrowser()`` ``sb = new SectionBrowser(SectionList)`` Description: Class that makes a visible list of all section names. If the optional SectionList arg is present then only those section names are shown in the browser. .. seealso:: :class:`SectionList`, :ref:`stdrun_shape` ---- .. method:: SectionBrowser.select Syntax: ``.select()`` Description: currently accessed section is highlighted. ---- .. method:: SectionBrowser.select_action Syntax: ``sb.select_action("command")`` Description: Command is executed when an item is selected (single click or dragging) by the mouse. Before execution, the selected section is pushed. (and popped after the command completes.) Command is executed in the object context in which \ ``select_action`` registered it. Example: .. code-block:: none begintemplate Cell public soma, dend, axon create soma, dend[3], axon endtemplate Cell objref sb, cell[3] for i=0,2 cell[i] = new Cell() sb = new SectionBrowser() sb.select_action("act()") proc act() { printf("currently accessed section is %s\n", secname()) } ---- .. method:: SectionBrowser.accept_action Syntax: ``sb.accept_action("command")`` Description: Command is executed when an item is accepted (double click) by the mouse. Before execution, the selected section is pushed. (and popped after the command completes.) Command is executed in the objet context in which the \ ``accept_action`` registered it. Example: .. code-block:: none create soma, dend[3], axon objref sb sb = new SectionBrowser() sb.accept_action("act()") proc act() { printf("currently accessed section is %s\n", secname()) }